What's Legal?
We at FullMoon Autoworks will install any level of tint film requested by our customers and are happy to do so upon request. Knowing the tint laws might be an important consideration when choosing your tint and may help you find the right balance of privacy, styling and legality.
Two Front Door Windows
"Colour coating obscuring interior
(3) No person shall drive on a highway a motor vehicle on which the surface of the windshield or of any window to the direct left or right of the driver’s seat has been coated with any coloured spray or other coloured or reflective material that substantially obscures the interior of the motor vehicle when viewed from outside the motor vehicle. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 73 (3)."
Highway Traffic Act 73 (3) applies to the two front door windows and front windshield. This law does not specify a VLT% (visible light transmittance) so because this law is not specific, it is enforced with the discretion of the authorities. In our experience, the darkest tint level that is not “substantially obstructing the interior” is a 35% film.
Rear Half of the Vehicle (All windows behind the driver)
The Highway Traffic Act does not specify any regulations for the rear half of the vehicle. This means you can install our darkest film options on these windows legally.
"Colour coating obstructing view prohibited
(2) No person shall drive a motor vehicle upon a highway where the surface of the windshield or of any window of the vehicle has been coated with any colour spray or other colour coating in such a manner as to obstruct the driver’s view of the highway or any intersecting highway. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 73 (2)."
Highway Traffic Act 73 (2) Applies to the front windshield only. This law states that any film can not be installed in “such a manner as to obstruct the driver’s view”. Because this law is not specific, it is enforced with the discretion of the authorities. What is a proper or legal height for doing a sun strip or brow on a windshield will vary based on the vehicle and the angle of the windshield.
By Phone (Call or Text): 613.608.8468
Email: sales@fullmoonautoworks.ca
Facebook / Instagram: @FullMoonAutoworks
Unit 9 1439 Youville Dr.
Orleans, ON
Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm
Sat: 10am - 4pm
Sun: Closed
Early drop off available